
活动 中国 2021

3 個事件
07 4月 — 06 5月 2021
Interclean China is a dedicated trade show where industry professionals come together from all parts of Asia to network, learn about the latest innovative products, and learn from top industry experts on how to manage and grow their businesses in China. Interclean China is part of the renowned Interclean brand, which is known globally as the largest and most innovative trade show in the world. Interclean China 是全球著名品牌清洁展INTERCLEAN的一部分,首届中国展将借助INTERCLEAN品牌国际影响力,力求专注展会品质服务于行业。通过这个线上平台,来自全球的清洁行业全产业链从业者将汇聚一堂,交流、了解最新行业发展现状和趋势;发布并宣传各自的创新产品、技术和解决方案。 Interclean China 北京国际清洁与维护展览会将于2021年4月19-21日在北京国家会议中心举办。
17–19 6月 2021
由交科院科技集团有限公司、荷兰阿姆斯特丹RAI国际展览公司、中国智能交通协会联合举办的 2021上海国际交通工程、智能交通技术与设施展览会(Intertaffic China) 将于2021年迎来创展15周年。 Intertraffic品牌源自1972年,如今已成为世界最大的交通行业类展会品牌,展会遍布欧洲、美洲、亚洲各地。Intertraffic China自2007年首次进入中国,已经成功的举办了十四届,受到亚洲地区及全球众多行业知名厂商大力支持,成为亚太地区知名的专业展事。展会承办方充分发挥各自的资源优势,并先后与交通运输部路网监测与应急处置中心、北京市贸促会等多家行业主管机构和协会建立合作关系,积极推动交通工程及智能交通技术与产品的推广。目前Intertraffic China逐步发展成为泛太平洋地区规模最大、影响最广的交通基础设施、交通安全、智能交通、停车设施的产品展示、技术交流及商贸洽谈平台。 2021 Intertraffic China展会将聚焦行业热点,倡导绿色安全产品,大力推进绿色、安全智能产品的展示和应用技术交流。为创新产品、专利新型、实用技术提供推广展示渠道,并为优秀的交通产品提供高质认证、高效进入市场的渠道。展会同期继续推出涵盖国际技术交流、应用领域交流、行业互动为主的活动,为业内人士提供有效的交流平台。 我们将充分利用互联网+新技术,以定制化的营销平台,提供多渠道多方位的信息推送和专属定制服务,让业内人士第一时间了解展会最新动态;同时启用EventWork线上+线下服务平台,邀请更多国际专业观众线上参与展会,通过客户专署商务对接服务,为您创造更多有效商机。 2021 Intertraffic China邀您共同体验新时代、共享新机遇! Intertraffic China is the regional showcase for infrastructure, safety, parking, smart mobility and traffic management. The show offers a prominent platform for the traffic and transport industry to get a taste of the Chinese market, find local partners and explore local distribution channels. Intertraffic China takes place alternately in Beijing and Shanghai. Intertraffic China is the best way to keep you up to speed with the very latest trends and developments from the traffic technology industry in Asia. Intertraffic China is jointly organised by RAI Amsterdam, TTEC and ITS China. The next edition of the show takes place from 17 - 19 June 2021 in Shanghai. Intertraffic China is the platform for companies and traffic industry professionals from around the globe, wanting to explore business opportunities in China. The three-day event offers you opportunities to establish partnerships, to create alliances and to share best practices between local and international businesses. A wide range of decision-makers, consultants and contractors from private companies, municipalities, Ministries and international authorities working in the field of infrastructure, traffic management, safety, smart mobility and parking. And with an interest in doing business in China.
25–29 10月 2021
Hybrid Pavilion of PTC ASIA, CeMAT ASIA and ComVac ASIA