
活动 德国/德國 2023

870 個事件

The room is a + style show and sale at a high level, which offers inspiration and information on living, body, style, aesthetics, art, design, decoration and accessories like an interested audience. are quality, exclusivity and the special atmosphere of the new fashion and lifestyle show enthusiasm. The focus can be high-value merchandise, which dreams of the individual and sophisticated living come true.
Do you have a construction project, energy conservation or modernization? - Then you are right with us! Come to the 32nd House and energy in Sindelfingen. Whatever you plan and what you are interested in - you will meet on masters of their craft and find everything from A - Z. Do not miss out on this versatile offer, as well as competent and individual advice. A lot of valuable information in interesting and varied presentations in the Home Energy Forum. Pictures in our photo gallery.
The exhibition hall is campusmeetscompanies a career fair for the dialogue between science and industry. Many companies give to all sizes of campusmeetscompanies Hall insight into the various professional fields. The show allows companies to make a lasting impression on future workers behind. In addition, the companies are closer to the front hall campusmeetscompanies in business presentations and lectures to the student audience.
01 1月 2023
In our model toy markets model trains, model cars, model accessories, tin toys, Playmobil, Lego, dolls and stuffed animals are bought, traded and verkauft.Für commercial - and private providers, we offer the possibility to offer products cost-effectively. A paradise for collectors and model builders, here you are always right. In all our markets the entrance for children up to 14 years in the company of guardian is charged.
Stuttgart at the weekend will again become the Mecca for coin collectors, gold and silver investors, numismatics newcomers and bargain hunters. In addition to a wealth of modern and historic coins from around the world attracts the traditional Stuttgart Coin Fair this year with a small sensation: Every visitor to the possibility of "normal" 50 Cent is exchangeable into one of the most coveted and rare 50-cent Vatican coins with the pope portrait! The coup with the Vatican coins have to thank the visitors to the Professional Association of German coins retailing: "We have managed to secure a larger contingent of the 50-cent Vatican coins of the current year, which we provide - while stocks last - at par to the. Visitors to the fair from Stuttgart-based coins! ", says Michael Becker as the first chairman of the professional association. They well knew that the coins are made with the pope portrait so far below value to collectors, continues Becker and gives the example of the 2002s-Vatican-coin set. The Duke at the Vatican issues a value of about 15 € and is now trading at less than 500 €. "With this action we can show the guests at this year's 40th Participate in association birthday and underscore the importance of the Stuttgart trade fair coin for the South German region, "said the chairman of the largest with more than 180 members of European coins trade association.
COSMETICA Hannover Stable numbers of visitors, increasing buying power Positive start for COSMETICA Hannover: 10 526 trade visitors used the first cosmetics trade fair of the year for shopping, shows, orders, and shopping. 280 exhibiting companies and brands in the areas of care, equipment and decorative cosmetics, hand, nail and foot care, sun care, tanning, color and style advice as well as accessories presented to trade visitors at about 11,500 m² their latest products, treatment methods, trends and services before. The fascinating atmosphere made room for relaxation and inspiration. Attractive quiet zones, corridors carpeted and special areas such as Fußpraxis corner, Meeting Point, lecture hall or restaurant, completed the whole thing! Visit us from 21 to 22 January 2012 the exhibition halls of the Deutsche Messe AG Hannover.
04–06 1月 2023
Antique & Art - The best things in life .... The information and sales events in Germany on the subject of art & antiques! Current events for the selected area Here you will find information about current events. Click on a date for more information. If you have questions, please call us. We will advise you well.
Messe für Tourismus und Caravaning Fair of goods for leisure and camping Caravans Motor caravans Components, accessories and equipment for caravans and motor caravans Camping equipment Camp sites and equipment for camp sites Services Clubs, Associations and organisations Specialist literature, media
Die Messe ReiseMarkt Rhein-Neckar-Pfalz in Mannheim ist eine Touristik und Caravaning Ausstellung. Zahlreiche Aussteller zeigen auf rund 7.000 m² Ausstellungsfläche Informationen und Beratung rund um Urlaub und Reisen. Für Unterhaltung auf dem ReiseMarkt Rhein-Neckar-Pfalz Mannheim sorgt die Showbühne, eine täglich Tombola, das Urlaubskino mit spannenden Reiseberichten und kostenlose Kinderbetreuung.
07–08 1月 2023
Hochzeitsmesse Essen is one of the largest wedding fairs in Germany and is held annually together with Essener Babymesse in the Messezentrum in Essen. The event presents the latest trends in bridal and men's fashion and provides the latest tips and information about marriages. Demonstrations on the stage and actions in the stands provide good entertainment. There are, e.g. a free program of lectures on the subject of marriages, workshops held by wedding experts, hair and beauty shows, dance courses, fashion shows and a big wedding lottery.
07–08 1月 2023
A whole world for lovers The wedding world turns the post-Berlin am Ostbahnhof for two days in a world for lovers who dare - and plan a successful wedding. Over 100 exhibitors over 3,000 square meters of exhibition space all around the theme wedding. Thus, the premium shop for wedding couples and their guests one of the major events of its kind in Germany.
Regionale Baufachausstellung / Baumesse mit dem Schwerpunkt regenerative Energien und Energieeffizienz
International trade fair for home and contract textiles Heimtextil is the biggest international trade fair for home and contract textiles and the global benchmark for quality design textiles of innovative functionality. As the first trade fair of the year, Heimtextil, which is held on four fair days in January, is a platform for manufacturers, retailers and designers. The next time international exhibitors will be showing off their product to trade visitors will be from 11 to 14 January 2012. Heimtextil is the industry’s first major marketing and ordering date of the year and highlights the latest innovations and consumer trends.
10–12 1月 2023
PSI Trade Fair 2012 in Dusseldorf, 11 - 13 January 2012 Be there when Europe's promotional products industry at the beginning in Dusseldorf true! The exhibition combines PSI as an indispensable platform suppliers and distributors in the industry and provides space for the latest trends and innovations for the new fiscal year 2012. Generate under the PSI network new contacts and maintain your existing customer relationships.
10 1月 2023
Viscom is the lead trade fair of visual communication.For more than 20 years the trade fair has been representing the entire industry from high-end digitals to classical engraving. Viscom attracts international visitors;from more than 75 nations. Exhibitors at viscom germany are producers, traders, and service providers for promotional visual communication. viscom is more than a trade show! Cross-media use and customising are the latest trends in the advertising and media sector. There is great demand for new communication solutions which are special, unusual and creative. viscom is showing the way with its products and services. Prepare to be inspired! A supporting programme with a strong practical orientation including presentations, awards as well as the topics "Digital Signage World" and "Display,PoS" as exhibitions within the exhibition will provide extra information to answer the key question:"How can conventional and new media communicate messages efficiently, intelligently and effectively?"
The BOE includes the following categories: Training and further training Consulting, creation & management Catering Event services Locations & destinations Media Exhibition and event construction Furniture hire & decoration Performances & entertainment Security Event technology and production Associations Advertising Marquess
With its vast array of product displays, its reputation as a serious trade show, its broad international appeal and not least its extensive program of special events aimed at specific target groups, DOMOTEX is indisputably the event of the year for the industry worldwide. Applications Technology, Laying Equipment, Cleaning and Maintenance Carpets/Rugs (hand-made) Contract Flooring Natural Stone, Ceramic Tiles Parquet and Laminates Textile and flexible Floor Coverings Woven Carpets (machine-made)
The highlight of the stage program for the legendary SachsenKrad pageant was at the fair Saturday. On the show stage in the hall were lined up 4 10 finalists that were brought to next great look too real interest in motorcycle racing. Three hours and three stage passes, the finalists were fighting for pole position, was clear: The Grid Girl of the Year 2011 Desireé Kuske (22), retail clerk from Chemnitz. Together with the runner Nicole Loeffler (18) from Dresden and Claudia Elm (23) from Freital she goes in June at the International German Motorcycle Championship at the Sachsenring and shall enjoy a fun-filled day at the racetrack.
Die Messe agrarwelt in Friedrichshafen ist die Fachmesse für Bio-Energie, regionale Kulturlandschaft und Agrartechnik. Zahlreiche Aussteller aus den Bereichen Land- und Stalltechnik, Landhandel, Maschinenringe, Dienstleister und Erzeuger zeigen auf der agrarwelt Messe Friedrichshafen Ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Themen wie die Möglichkeiten der Energie-Produktion in der Landwirtschaft, Auswirkung von Klimawandel, Risiken der Gentechnik oder neue Trends im Landtourismus werden in den Vordergrund gerückt. Neben Lösungen zu nachwachsenden Rohstoffen, beschäftigt sich die agrarwelt Friedrichshafen mit Rapsöl und Biogas, Holz- und Forsttechnik sowie mit Softwarelösungen. Weitere Angebote drehen sich um die Direktvermarktung und den Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof.
With over 10 000 visitors closed on Sunday, the eighth edition of the opportunity in the exhibition hall successfully. That's 18 percent more than last year. "We were able to transfer the significant growth this year our numbers of exhibitors and exhibition space on the number of visitors", says Roland Zwerenz, Managing Director of Messe GmbH, Halle, very happy. "In view of the halving the number of school leavers in the last five years in Saxony-Anhalt, this development is well above our expectations." Many visitors took their chance and applied for on-site for training and jobs. First exhibitors have already registered for the chance signed in 2012. finds from 27 to January 29, 2012 in Hall exhibition
Die Messe Fruchtwelt Bodensee Friedrichshafen ist die internationale Fachmesse für Kernobst, Steinobst, Beeren, Hopfen und Destillation. Rund 200 Aussteller informieren auf der Fruchtwelt Bodensee Messe Friedrichshafen über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Produkte aus den Bereichen Obstanbau, Brennereiwesen, Erntemaschinen, Pflanzenschutz, Baumschulen und Hopfen. Das Vortragsprogramm der Fruchtwelt Bodensee Friedrichshafen mit verschiedenen Fachvorträgen zu aktuellen Themen ergänzt das Informations- und Produktangebot der Aussteller.
HOUSE GARDEN TOURISM 2012 offers all the best for a beautiful garden at Zuhause.Willkommen - Eastwestfalia OUTDOOR FAIR Do you want your life to be happy, then put in a garden. The trend continues: the green living room is outdoor angediehen much love, care and maintenance. Inspiration as far as the eye can see, offers indoor GARTEN.Willkommen in the tourism - Eastern Westphalia TRAVEL FAIR If you want to travel far away, who looks around at the tourists. Many exhibitors offer fine views of attractive short-and long-term goals for the next holiday. Whether relaxation, education or action - with the wide range is something for everyone!
13–15 1月 2023
Approximately 22,700 trade visitors came looking for product premieres and innovations, and they found them at opti ´11 (2010: 20,700). This international trade show for optics has given the sector a flying start into the new business year. Because for the 470 exhibitors, opti was their platform of choice for launching new products and developments. The entire sector is set to benefit from this breath of fresh air from Munich. “Opticians are starting this new year with a complete overview of new technologies, concepts and brands. Now they are all in a position to choose the right strategy for the range and for their business. Equipped with this knowledge, all of them can raise their profile at their business location,” is how Dieter Dohr, CEO and President of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH, summed up the event. It was an opinion echoed in the results of an independent survey among the visitors at the fair.